The “Magical” Science Behind The Law of Attraction
Often people are interested in learning how to create the life they would like and attract wealth and abundance, but they are still looking for a way to use magical science behind the law of attraction. LOA and some Simple Quantum Physics: If we understand just a little about basic quantum physics we can see where scientific concepts can make sense of the Law of Attraction. Einstein’s Theory of Relativity showed us that atomic energy can vibrates at different rates. . The famous equation that we all know, E= mc2 proved to everyone that energy and matter are indeed the same thing. The whole universe is made up of energy vibrating at different frequencies. The very same energy that exists everywhere in the universe also is within every single one one of us. Energy therefore is at the basis of all physical reality. Just like EVERYTHING else in the universe, each atom that makes up our physical bodies is vibrating at a specific frequency. This...